



Global Unification International ("GUI") and its Global, Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees, as signatories to this Constitution, hereby make the following declaration:

Recognising that emerging economies across the world face similar challenges, there arises a compelling need to establish standardised systems akin to those employed by developed nations.

Ineffective policies adversely impact the lives of ordinary individuals in emerging economies. Therefore, it is imperative to implement specialised programs that prioritise justice, equality, peace, health, education, sustainable development, technology transfer, and poverty eradication. These endeavours are essential to uphold the dignity of all humanity and represent a sacred responsibility incumbent upon all nations. It is the very purpose for which Global Unification International was established and as stated in its Charter.

In light of these circumstances, the parties to this Constitution, firmly believe in providing equal and comprehensive educational opportunities for all, as well as fostering the pursuit of objective truth, free exchange of ideas, and information technology, hereby commit themselves to the following:

They are resolute in developing and enhancing channels of communication among their populations.

They will utilise these communication channels to foster mutual understanding and promote a more accurate and profound understanding of each other's cultures, technologies, and infrastructures.

“Good governance is the foundation of economic Justice and poverty reduction.”



Global Unification International ("GUI") is a globally registered volunteer organisation with the sole purpose of advancing humanity for the continued evolution of co-operation.


1. The purpose of GUI is to reorganise society, organisations and individuals, struggling and striving for positive change for the interest of the common people. GUI was established to contribute to peace, sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, improved health and education standards, capacity building and empowerment, by strengthening infrastructure development and by promoting collaboration amongst the nations via information technology transfer, cultural exchange, improved infrastructure implementation and improved social governance in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction by race, sex, language or religion.

2. To realise this purpose GUI will:

(a) create GUI Digital Networks in developing countries, for the purpose of advancing humanity via sustainable development and corporate governance programs, improved health standards, better education standards and curriculum's, technology transfer and information exchange.

(b) improve the capacity and efficiency of organisations and professionals in the delivery of quality services utilising best international standards and practices. It is also our priority to identify, and promote professionals in developing countries as competent and efficient human resources personnel, providing their expertise to developing communities.

(c) bring fresh concepts to popular education and to the spread of culture, by collaborating with GUI members in the development of educational activities; by instituting collaboration amongst the nations to advance the ideals of equality of educational opportunity without regard to race, sex or any other economic or social distinctions; and by suggesting educational methods best suited to prepare the children of the world for the responsibilities of the future.

(d) maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge, by assuring the conservation and protection of the world's inheritance of Information Technology, and recommending to the nations concerned, the necessary transnational conventions; by encouraging co-operation amongst the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including the transnational exchange of active member research in the fields of health, education, culture, sustainable development and information technology and the exchange of these publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest, and other materials of information; and by initiating methods of transnational co-operation calculated to give the people of all countries access to the published materials produced by our members.

(e) collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication and information technology and, to that end, recommend such technologies as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word, video, image and symbolism;

(f) preserve the independence, integrity and fruitful diversity of different cultures.


The GUI Independent Associate Volunteer Program makes valuable contributions, socially as well as economically. It contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and co-operation amongst individuals.

GUI is an organisation that strongly supports human development, through the promotion of volunteerism, including the free training and mobilisation of GUI Independent Associate Volunteers. It serves the causes of advancing humanity and providing sustainable development through enhancing opportunities for the global community to participate. It is universal and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity. It values free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism.

Professionals interested in the activities and objectives of GUI are invited to participate in the GUI Programs. Subject to the approval of their Membership by The GUI Secretariat Committee, Associates participating in the GUI Programs are provided with the necessary training and expertise to act as competent GUI human resources personnel.


1. GUI Independent Associate Volunteer Membership shall carry with it the privilege to participate in the GUI Committees.

2. Subject to the rules and regulations between the Global Committee and the other GUI Committees; individuals who are not members of GUI may only be invited to apply for GUI Associate Volunteer Membership upon the recommendation of a Regional Committee.

3. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who is expelled from any GUI Committee shall automatically be pronounced dismissed from GUI by a 2/3 majority vote of their local Committee members.

4. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who fails to abide by the rules and regulations of this constitution and/or their country, is pronounced dismissed by a 2/3 majority of their National Committee.

5. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI may resign their position by mail, addressed to their National Committee.

6. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who fails to respond to official correspondence for 90 days is pronounced dismissed by a 2/3 majority of their National Committee.


As a GUI Independent Associate Volunteer I hereby solemnly affirm that I will faithfully respect, the GUI constitution, as an independent volunteer and will, to the best of my ability, support GUI in advancing humanity as an ethically dedicated and diligent human being.


GUI shall include a Global Committee, Continental Committees (Africa, Latin America, The Middle East and Asia), Sub-Continental Committees (East, West, Central, North and South), National Committees (countries) and Regional Committees (states or provinces), with the appointment of a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary for each Committee.


A. Composition

1. The GUI's Global Committee shall consist of one GUI Director for Affairs from each of the following Continental Committees: Latin America, Asia, The Middle East and Africa. The Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of GUI for the Global Committee shall appoint not more than 14 Global Committee Directors, after consultation with the appointed Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee, acting under the authority of GUI, shall be responsible for the execution of all programs and activities adopted by GUI and shall prepare the agendas for these programs and activities to be utilised by the Continental Committees.

3. In electing the members of the Global Committee, GUI shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. It shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Global Committee shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Global Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Global Committee shall frame and co-ordinate the management policies, infrastructures and activities for all GUI Committees. It will make decisions on, and amendments to, proposals and curricula drawn up by the National Committees and assessed and submitted to the Global Committee via the Continental Committees.

2. The Global Committee shall meet monthly in ordinary session; it may meet in extraordinary session on the call of its Chairperson. At each session the location of its next session shall be designated by the Global Committee and shall vary from time to time.

3. The Global Committee, when it deems it necessary, shall convene transnational conferences on education, information technology, health, the sciences and humanities and the dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technology.

4. The Global Committee will consider proposals and recommendations from the Continental and National Committees. Each of the Continental and National Committees shall submit said proposals and recommendations to the Global Committee within a period of 3 months from the close of the previous meeting at which they were adopted.

5. The Global Committee shall advise the Continental and National Committees on the educational, technological, scientific and cultural aspects in matters of concern to the latter, in accordance with the GUI "Rules of Procedure".

6. The Global Committee shall receive and consider the reports submitted periodically by the Continental Committees.

7. The Global Committee shall have the right of veto on the nomination of members for the Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees.

8. The members of the Global Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by GUI under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the Sub-Continental Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Global Committee.

2. In electing the members of the Continental Committees, the Global Committee shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Continental Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Sub-Continental Committees.

2. The Continental Committees shall recommend to the Global Committee the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Global Committee.

5. The Directors for Affairs of each Continental Committee shall present to the Global Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of NGO's, transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons concerned with questions within its competence.

7. The members of the Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Global Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Sub-Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Continental Committees.

2. In electing the members of the Sub-Continental Committees, the Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Sub-Continental Committees shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Sub-Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the National Committees.

2. The Sub-Continental Committees shall recommend to the Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Sub-Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Sub-Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on his own initiative or upon the request of the Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Sub-Continental Committee shall present to its Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Sub-Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Sub-Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Continental Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall consist of Regional Representatives from each of its provinces, elected by the Sub-Continental Committee from among the delegates nominated by the National Representative.

2. In electing the members of the National Committees, the Sub-Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the National Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a National Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The National Committees, acting under the authority of the Sub-Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Regional Committees.

2. The National Committees shall recommend to the Sub-Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each National Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The National Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Sub-Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each National Committee shall present to the Sub-Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the National Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The National Committee shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the National Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Sub-Continental Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall create co-operative bodies, under their authority, in the form of Regional Committees.

2. The Regional Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representative from among the delegates nominated by the National Committee.

3. In electing the members of the Regional Committees, the National Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Regional Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Regional Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Regional Committees, acting under the authority of the National Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Continental Committees and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Local Community.

2. The Regional Committees shall recommend to the National Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Regional Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Regional Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the National Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Regional Committee shall present to its National Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Regional Committees, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Regional Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult with the representatives of local industry and local civil society organisations or qualified persons interested in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Regional Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the National Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


1. Each Committee will be provided with a Secretariat that shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and such staff as may be required.

2. The Chairperson shall be nominated by each Committee and approved by the Global Committee, under such conditions as the Global Committee permits, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

3. The Chairperson, or a deputy designated by the Chairperson, shall participate in all meetings of the GUI Committees, with the right to vote. They shall formulate proposals for appropriate action by the Global Committee.

4. The Chairperson shall appoint the staff of the Secretariat in accordance with staff regulations adopted by the Global Committee. Subject to the paramount consideration of securing the highest standards of integrity, efficiency and technical competence, appointment of the staff shall be on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

5. The responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and that of the staff shall be exclusively transnational in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any authority external to GUI. They shall refrain from any action, which might prejudice their position as transnational officials. Each Committee Member of GUI undertakes to respect the transnational character of the responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.

6. Subject to the approval of the Global Committee, nothing in this Article shall preclude the GUI Committees from entering into special arrangements for common services and staff, and for the interchange of personnel.


1. Each National Committee shall make such arrangements as to suit its particular conditions for the purpose of associating its principal bodies interested in education, health, science, economic,community development, technology transfer and cultural matters with the work of GUI, preferably by the formation of a National Commission.

2. National Commissions or national co-operating bodies, where they exist, shall act in an advisory capacity to their respective delegations to the Global Committee and to their Governments in matters relating to GUI and shall function as agencies of liaison in all matters of interest to it.

3. GUI may, on the request of a Committee Chairperson, delegate, either temporarily or permanently, a member of its Secretariat to serve on the National Commission of that Country, in order to assist in the development of its activities.


Members of the Global Committee shall have no voting rights in any of the other Committees, unless those members have also been elected as members of those Committees. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote, except in cases where a 2/3 majority vote is required by the provisions of this Constitution. A majority of either type shall be a majority of the members present and voting.


A meeting or assembly can hold votes with the participation of a 2/3 majority of committee members, a minimum of 60% of members must be present at the meeting in order for the vote to be passed. If a quorum is not present, another meeting must be announced and convened.


1. Upon the approval of the Global Committee, the Continental, Sub-Continental and National Committees shall set up special and technical committees and such other subordinate bodies as may be necessary for its purposes.

2. The Committee Chairpersons, with the approval of the Global Committee, may receive gifts, bequests, and subventions directly from governments, public and private institutions, associations and private persons, provided they meet with the rules and regulations of the country in question.


The National and Regional Committees shall cause arrangements to be made for public access to meetings, subject to Global Committee regulations.


Each Committee Chairperson shall report periodically to the Global Committee, on its laws, regulations and statistics relating to education, technology transfer, science, health and culture and its institutions.

Each Committee, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, will appoint an independent body to annually audit and evaluate the finances and activities and to submit annual reports and findings, to be published for the transparency and credibility of each Committee for effective annual budget planning.

Reports and resolutions from Committee meetings shall be published on the GUI Website to keep members informed of the latest developments from all committee activities.


1. The annual budget shall be administered by GUI.

2. Sponsorship contributions shall be managed and distributed by the Global Committee, via GUI.

3. The Global Committee shall approve and give final effect to the annual budget and to the apportionment of financial responsibility.

4. Each National Committee will establish a GUI Bank Account for secure control of nationally allocated funds, in compliance with each country's regulations and laws. Signatories to these accounts will be that of the National Representative, the internal GUI Accountant and the internal GUI Treasurer.


To further the mission undertaken by GUI of advancing humanity, private companies and government institutions are invited to participate in the GUI Sponsorship Program.

It will be our priority to endorse and promote the objectives of our Sponsors to developing countries, as competent and efficient specialists, providing their products and services to developing communities.

The principal responsibility of the GUI Sponsor is to provide funding or material resources towards GUI Programs.


1. GUI may co-operate with other specialised inter-governmental organisations and agencies whose interests and activities are related to its purposes. To this end the CEO, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, may establish effective working relationships with such organisations and agencies and establish such joint committees as may be necessary to assure effective co-operation. Any formal arrangements entered into, with such organisations or agencies, shall be subject to the approval of the Global Committee.

2. Whenever the Global Committee of this Organisation and the competent authorities of any other specialised inter-governmental organisation or agency whose purposes and functions lie within the competence of GUI, deem it desirable to effect a transfer of their resources and activities to this Organisation, the CEO, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, may enter into mutually acceptable arrangements in order to accomplish this transfer.

3. GUI may make appropriate arrangements with other inter-governmental organisations or agencies for reciprocal representation at meetings.

4. The GUI Educational, Technological, Scientific and Cultural Commissions may make suitable arrangements for consultation and co-operation with non-governmental transnational organisations concerned with matters within its competence, and may invite them to undertake specific tasks. Such co-operation may also include appropriate participation by representatives of such organisations on advisory committees set up by the Global Committee.


1. Proposals for amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon receiving the approval of the Global Committee by a 2/3 majority vote provided, however, that those amendments which involve fundamental alterations in the aims of GUI or new obligations for the Continental Committee shall require subsequent acceptance on the part of a 2/3 majority vote of the Continental Committees before they come into force. The draft texts of proposed amendments shall be communicated by the Chairperson of each Continental Committee to the CEO of the Global Committee at least 6 months in advance of their consideration by the Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee shall have power to adopt by a 2/3 majority vote, rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions of this Article.


1. Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation of this Constitution shall be referred for determination to the International Court of Justice or to an arbitrary tribunal, as the Global Committee may determine under its "Rules of Procedure".


This Constitution has been brought into force on the 1st day of May, 2006, by the GUI Global Committee.

Global Unification International ("GUI") and its Global, Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees, as signatories to this Constitution, hereby make the following declaration:

Recognising that emerging economies across the world face similar challenges, there arises a compelling need to establish standardised systems akin to those employed by developed nations.

Ineffective policies adversely impact the lives of ordinary individuals in emerging economies. Therefore, it is imperative to implement specialised programs that prioritise justice, equality, peace, health, education, sustainable development, technology transfer, and poverty eradication. These endeavours are essential to uphold the dignity of all humanity and represent a sacred responsibility incumbent upon all nations. It is the very purpose for which Global Unification International was established and as stated in its Charter.

In light of these circumstances, the parties to this Constitution, firmly believe in providing equal and comprehensive educational opportunities for all, as well as fostering the pursuit of objective truth, free exchange of ideas, and information technology, hereby commit themselves to the following:

They are resolute in developing and enhancing channels of communication among their populations.

They will utilise these communication channels to foster mutual understanding and promote a more accurate and profound understanding of each other's cultures, technologies, and infrastructures.

“Good governance is the foundation of economic Justice and poverty reduction.”



Global Unification International ("GUI") is a globally registered organisation with the sole purpose of advancing humanity for the continued evolution of co-operation.


1. The purpose of GUI is to reorganise society, organisations and individuals, struggling and striving for positive change for the interest of the common people. GUI was established to contribute to peace, sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, improved health and education standards, capacity building and empowerment, by strengthening infrastructure development and by promoting collaboration amongst the nations via information technology transfer, cultural exchange, improved infrastructure implementation and improved social governance in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction by race, sex, language or religion.

2. To realise this purpose GUI will:

(a) create GUI Digital Networks in developing countries, for the purpose of advancing humanity via sustainable development and corporate governance programs, improved health standards, better education standards and curriculum's, technology transfer and information exchange.

(b) improve the capacity and efficiency of organisations and professionals in the delivery of quality services utilising best international standards and practices. It is also our priority to identify, and promote professionals in developing countries as competent and efficient human resources personnel, providing their expertise to developing communities.

(c) bring fresh concepts to popular education and to the spread of culture, by collaborating with GUI members in the development of educational activities; by instituting collaboration amongst the nations to advance the ideals of equality of educational opportunity without regard to race, sex or any other economic or social distinctions; and by suggesting educational methods best suited to prepare the children of the world for the responsibilities of the future.

(d) maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge, by assuring the conservation and protection of the world's inheritance of Information Technology, and recommending to the nations concerned, the necessary transnational conventions; by encouraging co-operation amongst the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including the transnational exchange of active member research in the fields of health, education, culture, sustainable development and information technology and the exchange of these publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest, and other materials of information; and by initiating methods of transnational co-operation calculated to give the people of all countries access to the published materials produced by our members.

(e) collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication and information technology and, to that end, recommend such technologies as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word, video, image and symbolism;

(f) preserve the independence, integrity and fruitful diversity of different cultures.


The GUI Independent Associate Volunteer Program makes valuable contributions, socially as well as economically. It contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and co-operation amongst individuals.

GUI is an organisation that strongly supports human development, through the promotion of volunteerism, including the free training and mobilisation of GUI Independent Associate Volunteers. It serves the causes of advancing humanity and providing sustainable development through enhancing opportunities for the global community to participate. It is universal and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity. It values free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism.

Professionals interested in the activities and objectives of GUI are invited to participate in the GUI Programs. Subject to the approval of their Membership by The GUI Secretariat Committee, Associates participating in the GUI Programs are provided with the necessary training and expertise to act as competent GUI human resources personnel.


1. GUI Independent Associate Volunteer Membership shall carry with it the privilege to participate in the GUI Committees.

2. Subject to the rules and regulations between the Global Committee and the other GUI Committees; individuals who are not members of GUI may only be invited to apply for GUI Independent Associate Volunteer Membership upon the recommendation of a Regional Committee.

3. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who is expelled from any GUI Committee shall automatically be pronounced dismissed from GUI by a 2/3 majority vote of their local Committee members.

4. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who fails to abide by the rules and regulations of this constitution and/or their country is pronounced dismissed by a 2/3 majority of their National Committee.

5. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI may resign their position by mail, addressed to their National Committee.

6. An Independent Associate Volunteer of GUI who fails to respond to official correspondence for 90 days is pronounced dismissed by a 2/3 majority of their National Committee.


As a GUI Independent Associate Volunteer I hereby solemnly affirm that I will faithfully respect, the GUI constitution, as an independent volunteer and will, to the best of my ability, support GUI in advancing humanity as an ethically dedicated and diligent human being.


GUI shall include a Global Committee, Continental Committees (Africa, Latin America, The Middle East and Asia), Sub-Continental Committees (East, West, Central, North and South), National Committees (countries) and Regional Committees (states or provinces), with the appointment of a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary for each Committee.


A. Composition

1. The GUI's Global Committee shall consist of one GUI Director for Affairs from each of the following Continental Committees: Latin America, Asia, The Middle East and Africa. The Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of GUI for the Global Committee shall appoint not more than 14 Global Committee Directors, after consultation with the appointed Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee, acting under the authority of GUI, shall be responsible for the execution of all programs and activities adopted by GUI and shall prepare the agendas for these programs and activities to be utilised by the Continental Committees.

3. In electing the members of the Global Committee, GUI shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. It shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Global Committee shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Global Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Global Committee shall frame and co-ordinate the management policies, infrastructures and activities for all GUI Committees. It will make decisions on, and amendments to, proposals and curricula drawn up by the National Committees and assessed and submitted to the Global Committee via the Continental Committees.

2. The Global Committee shall meet monthly in ordinary session; it may meet in extraordinary session on the call of its Chairperson. At each session the location of its next session shall be designated by the Global Committee and shall vary from time to time.

3. The Global Committee, when it deems it necessary, shall convene transnational conferences on education, information technology, health, the sciences and humanities and the dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technology.

4. The Global Committee will consider proposals and recommendations from the Continental and National Committees. Each of the Continental and National Committees shall submit said proposals and recommendations to the Global Committee within a period of 3 months from the close of the previous meeting at which they were adopted.

5. The Global Committee shall advise the Continental and National Committees on the educational, technological, scientific and cultural aspects in matters of concern to the latter, in accordance with the GUI "Rules of Procedure".

6. The Global Committee shall receive and consider the reports submitted periodically by the Continental Committees.

7. The Global Committee shall have the right of veto on the nomination of members for the Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees.

8. The members of the Global Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by GUI under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the Sub-Continental Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Global Committee.

2. In electing the members of the Continental Committees, the Global Committee shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Continental Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Sub-Continental Committees.

2. The Continental Committees shall recommend to the Global Committee the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Global Committee.

5. The Directors for Affairs of each Continental Committee shall present to the Global Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of NGO's, transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons concerned with questions within its competence.

7. The members of the Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Global Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Sub-Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Continental Committees.

2. In electing the members of the Sub-Continental Committees, the Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Sub-Continental Committees shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Sub-Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the National Committees.

2. The Sub-Continental Committees shall recommend to the Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Sub-Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Sub-Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on his own initiative or upon the request of the Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Sub-Continental Committee shall present to its Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Sub-Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Sub-Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Continental Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall consist of Regional Representatives from each of its provinces, elected by the Sub-Continental Committee from among the delegates nominated by the National Representative.

2. In electing the members of the National Committees, the Sub-Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the National Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a National Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The National Committees, acting under the authority of the Sub-Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Regional Committees.

2. The National Committees shall recommend to the Sub-Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each National Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The National Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Sub-Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each National Committee shall present to the Sub-Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the National Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The National Committee shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the National Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Sub-Continental Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall create co-operative bodies, under their authority, in the form of Regional Committees.

2. The Regional Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representative from among the delegates nominated by the National Committee.

3. In electing the members of the Regional Committees, the National Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Regional Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Regional Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Regional Committees, acting under the authority of the National Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Continental Committees and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Local Community.

2. The Regional Committees shall recommend to the National Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Regional Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Regional Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the National Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Regional Committee shall present to its National Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Regional Committees, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Regional Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult with the representatives of local industry and local civil society organisations or qualified persons interested in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Regional Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the National Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


1. Each Committee will be provided with a Secretariat that shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and such staff as may be required.

2. The Chairperson shall be nominated by each Committee and approved by the Global Committee, under such conditions as the Global Committee permits, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

3. The Chairperson, or a deputy designated by the Chairperson, shall participate in all meetings of the GUI Committees, with the right to vote. They shall formulate proposals for appropriate action by the Global Committee.

4. The Chairperson shall appoint the staff of the Secretariat in accordance with staff regulations adopted by the Global Committee. Subject to the paramount consideration of securing the highest standards of integrity, efficiency and technical competence, appointment of the staff shall be on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

5. The responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and that of the staff shall be exclusively transnational in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any authority external to GUI. They shall refrain from any action, which might prejudice their position as transnational officials. Each Committee Member of GUI undertakes to respect the transnational character of the responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.

6. Subject to the approval of the Global Committee, nothing in this Article shall preclude the GUI Committees from entering into special arrangements for common services and staff, and for the interchange of personnel.


1. Each National Committee shall make such arrangements as to suit its particular conditions for the purpose of associating its principal bodies interested in education, health, science, economic,community development, technology transfer and cultural matters with the work of GUI, preferably by the formation of a National Commission.

2. National Commissions or national co-operating bodies, where they exist, shall act in an advisory capacity to their respective delegations to the Global Committee and to their Governments in matters relating to GUI and shall function as agencies of liaison in all matters of interest to it.

3. GUI may, on the request of a Committee Chairperson, delegate, either temporarily or permanently, a member of its Secretariat to serve on the National Commission of that Country, in order to assist in the development of its activities.


Members of the Global Committee shall have no voting rights in any of the other Committees, unless those members have also been elected as members of those Committees. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote, except in cases where a 2/3 majority vote is required by the provisions of this Constitution. A majority of either type shall be a majority of the members present and voting.


A meeting or assembly can hold votes with the participation of a 2/3 majority of committee members, a minimum of 60% of members must be present at the meeting in order for the vote to be passed. If a quorum is not present, another meeting must be announced and convened.


1. Upon the approval of the Global Committee, the Continental, Sub-Continental and National Committees shall set up special and technical committees and such other subordinate bodies as may be necessary for its purposes.

2. The Committee Chairpersons, with the approval of the Global Committee, may receive gifts, bequests, and subventions directly from governments, public and private institutions, associations and private persons, provided they meet with the rules and regulations of the country in question.


The National and Regional Committees shall cause arrangements to be made for public access to meetings, subject to Global Committee regulations.


Each Committee Chairperson shall report periodically to the Global Committee, on its laws, regulations and statistics relating to education, technology transfer, science, health and culture and its institutions.

Each Committee, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, will appoint an independent body to annually audit and evaluate the finances and activities and to submit annual reports and findings, to be published for the transparency and credibility of each Committee for effective annual budget planning.

Reports and resolutions from Committee meetings shall be published on the GUI Website to keep members informed of the latest developments from all committee activities.


1. The annual budget shall be administered by GUI.

2. Sponsorship contributions shall be managed and distributed by the Global Committee, via GUI.

3. The Global Committee shall approve and give final effect to the annual budget and to the apportionment of financial responsibility.

4. Each National Committee will establish a GUI Bank Account for secure control of nationally allocated funds, in compliance with each country's regulations and laws. Signatories to these accounts will be that of the National Representative, the internal GUI Accountant and the internal GUI Treasurer.


To further the mission undertaken by GUI of advancing humanity, private companies and government institutions are invited to participate in the GUI Sponsorship Program.

It will be our priority to endorse and promote the objectives of our Sponsors to developing countries, as competent and efficient specialists, providing their products and services to developing communities.

The principal responsibility of the GUI Sponsor is to provide funding or material resources towards GUI Programs.


1. GUI may co-operate with other specialised inter-governmental organisations and agencies whose interests and activities are related to its purposes. To this end the CEO, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, may establish effective working relationships with such organisations and agencies and establish such joint committees as may be necessary to assure effective co-operation. Any formal arrangements entered into, with such organisations or agencies, shall be subject to the approval of the Global Committee.

2. Whenever the Global Committee of this Organisation and the competent authorities of any other specialised inter-governmental organisation or agency whose purposes and functions lie within the competence of GUI, deem it desirable to effect a transfer of their resources and activities to this Organisation, the CEO, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, may enter into mutually acceptable arrangements in order to accomplish this transfer.

3. GUI may make appropriate arrangements with other inter-governmental organisations or agencies for reciprocal representation at meetings.

4. The GUI Educational, Technological, Scientific and Cultural Commissions may make suitable arrangements for consultation and co-operation with non-governmental transnational organisations concerned with matters within its competence, and may invite them to undertake specific tasks. Such co-operation may also include appropriate participation by representatives of such organisations on advisory committees set up by the Global Committee.


1. Proposals for amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon receiving the approval of the Global Committee by a 2/3 majority vote provided, however, that those amendments which involve fundamental alterations in the aims of GUI or new obligations for the Continental Committee shall require subsequent acceptance on the part of a 2/3 majority vote of the Continental Committees before they come into force. The draft texts of proposed amendments shall be communicated by the Chairperson of each Continental Committee to the CEO of the Global Committee at least 6 months in advance of their consideration by the Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee shall have power to adopt by a 2/3 majority vote, rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions of this Article.


1. Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation of this Constitution shall be referred for determination to the International Court of Justice or to an arbitrary tribunal, as the Global Committee may determine under its "Rules of Procedure".


This Constitution has been brought into force on the 1st day of May, 2006, by the GUI Global Committee.

Global Unification International ("GUI") and its Global, Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees, as signatories to this Constitution, hereby make the following declaration:

Recognising that emerging economies across the world face similar challenges, there arises a compelling need to establish standardised systems akin to those employed by developed nations.

Ineffective policies adversely impact the lives of ordinary individuals in emerging economies. Therefore, it is imperative to implement specialised programs that prioritise justice, equality, peace, health, education, sustainable development, technology transfer, and poverty eradication. These endeavours are essential to uphold the dignity of all humanity and represent a sacred responsibility incumbent upon all nations. It is the very purpose for which Global Unification International was established and as stated in its Charter.

In light of these circumstances, the parties to this Constitution, firmly believe in providing equal and comprehensive educational opportunities for all, as well as fostering the pursuit of objective truth, free exchange of ideas, and information technology, hereby commit themselves to the following:

They are resolute in developing and enhancing channels of communication among their populations.

They will utilise these communication channels to foster mutual understanding and promote a more accurate and profound understanding of each other's cultures, technologies, and infrastructures.

“Good governance is the foundation of economic Justice and poverty reduction.”



Global Unification International ("GUI") is a globally registered organisation with the sole purpose of advancing humanity for the continued evolution of co-operation.


1. The purpose of GUI is to reorganise society, organisations and individuals, struggling and striving for positive change for the interest of the common people. GUI was established to contribute to peace, sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, improved health and education standards, capacity building and empowerment, by strengthening infrastructure development and by promoting collaboration amongst the nations via information technology transfer, cultural exchange, improved infrastructure implementation and improved social governance in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction by race, sex, language or religion.

2. To realise this purpose GUI will:

(a) create GUI Centres in developing countries, for the purpose of advancing humanity via sustainable development and corporate governance programs, improved health standards, higher education standards and curriculum's, technology transfer and information exchange.

(b) improve the capacity and efficiency of organisations and professionals in the delivery of quality services utilising best international standards and practices. It is also our priority to identify, and promote professionals in developing countries as competent and efficient human resources personnel, providing their expertise to developing communities.

(c) bring fresh concepts to popular education and to the spread of culture, by collaborating with GUI members in the development of educational activities; by instituting collaboration amongst the nations to advance the ideals of equality of educational opportunity without regard to race, sex or any other economic or social distinctions; and by suggesting educational methods best suited to prepare the children of the world for the responsibilities of the future.

(d) maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge, by assuring the conservation and protection of the world's inheritance of Information Technology, and recommending to the nations concerned, the necessary transnational conventions; by encouraging co-operation amongst the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including the transnational exchange of active member research in the fields of health, education, culture, sustainable development and information technology and the exchange of these publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest, and other materials of information; and by initiating methods of transnational co-operation calculated to give the people of all countries access to the published materials produced by our members.

(e) collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication and information technology and, to that end, recommend such technologies as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word, video, image and symbolism;

(f) preserve the independence, integrity and fruitful diversity of different cultures.


The GUI Associate Volunteer Program makes valuable contributions, socially as well as economically. It contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and co-operation amongst individuals.

GUI is an organisation that strongly supports human development, through the promotion of volunteerism, including the free training and mobilisation of GUI Associate Volunteers. It serves the causes of advancing humanity and providing sustainable development through enhancing opportunities for the global community to participate. It is universal and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity. It values free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism.

Professionals interested in the activities and objectives of GUI are invited to participate in the GUI Programs. Subject to the approval of their Membership by The GUI Secretariat Committee, Associates participating in the GUI Programs are provided with the necessary training and expertise to act as competent GUI human resources personnel.


1. GUI Associate Membership shall carry with it the privilege to participate in the GUI Committees.

2. Subject to the rules and regulations between the Global Committee and the other GUI Committees; individuals who are not members of GUI may only be invited to apply for GUI Associate Membership upon the recommendation of a Regional Committee.

3. An Associate Member of GUI who is expelled from any GUI Committee shall automatically be pronounced dismissed from GUI by a 2/3 majority vote of their local Committee members.

4. An Associate Member who fails to abide by the rules and regulations of this constitution, GUI and/or their country is pronounced dismissed by a 2/3 majority of their National Committee.

5. An Associate Member may resign their position by mail, addressed to their National Committee.


As a GUI Associate Member I hereby solemnly affirm that I will faithfully respect, the GUI constitution, as an independent volunteer and will, to the best of my ability, support GUI in advancing humanity as an ethically dedicated and diligent human being.


GUI shall include a Global Committee, Continental Committees (Africa, Latin America, The Middle East and Asia), Sub-Continental Committees (East, West, Central, North and South), National Committees (countries) and Regional Committees (states or provinces), with the appointment of a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary for each Committee.


A. Composition

1. The GUI's Global Committee shall consist of one GUI Director for Affairs from each of the following Continental Committees: Latin America, Asia, The Middle East and Africa. The Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of GUI for the Global Committee shall appoint not more than 14 Global Committee Directors, after consultation with the appointed Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee, acting under the authority of GUI, shall be responsible for the execution of all programs and activities adopted by GUI and shall prepare the agendas for these programs and activities to be utilised by the Continental Committees.

3. In electing the members of the Global Committee, GUI shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. It shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Global Committee shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Global Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Global Committee shall frame and co-ordinate the management policies, infrastructures and activities for all GUI Committees. It will make decisions on, and amendments to, proposals and curricula drawn up by the National Committees and assessed and submitted to the Global Committee via the Continental Committees.

2. The Global Committee shall meet monthly in ordinary session; it may meet in extraordinary session on the call of its Chairperson. At each session the location of its next session shall be designated by the Global Committee and shall vary from time to time.

3. The Global Committee, when it deems it necessary, shall convene transnational conferences on education, information technology, health, the sciences and humanities and the dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technology.

4. The Global Committee will consider proposals and recommendations from the Continental and National Committees. Each of the Continental and National Committees shall submit said proposals and recommendations to the Global Committee within a period of 3 months from the close of the previous meeting at which they were adopted.

5. The Global Committee shall advise the Continental and National Committees on the educational, technological, scientific and cultural aspects in matters of concern to the latter, in accordance with the GUI "Rules of Procedure".

6. The Global Committee shall receive and consider the reports submitted periodically by the Continental Committees.

7. The Global Committee shall have the right of veto on the nomination of members for the Continental, Sub-Continental, National, and Regional Committees.

8. The members of the Global Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by GUI under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the Sub-Continental Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Global Committee.

2. In electing the members of the Continental Committees, the Global Committee shall endeavour to include persons competent in the humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Continental Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Sub-Continental Committees.

2. The Continental Committees shall recommend to the Global Committee the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Global Committee.

5. The Directors for Affairs of each Continental Committee shall present to the Global Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of NGO's, transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons concerned with questions within its competence.

7. The members of the Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Global Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as Representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The Sub-Continental Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representatives from among the delegates nominated by the Continental Committees.

2. In electing the members of the Sub-Continental Committees, the Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, the Sub-Continental Committees shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Sub-Continental Committees, acting under the authority of the Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the National Committees.

2. The Sub-Continental Committees shall recommend to the Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Sub-Continental Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Sub-Continental Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on his own initiative or upon the request of the Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Sub-Continental Committee shall present to its Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Sub-Continental Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Sub-Continental Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Sub-Continental Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Continental Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall consist of Regional Representatives from each of its provinces, elected by the Sub-Continental Committee from among the delegates nominated by the National Representative.

2. In electing the members of the National Committees, the Sub-Continental Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

3. The elected members of the National Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

4. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a National Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The National Committees, acting under the authority of the Sub-Continental Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Global Committee and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Regional Committees.

2. The National Committees shall recommend to the Sub-Continental Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each National Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The National Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the Sub-Continental Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each National Committee shall present to the Sub-Continental Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the National Committee, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The National Committee shall make all necessary arrangements to consult the representatives of transnational organisations and civil society organisations or qualified persons in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the National Committee shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the Sub-Continental Committee under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


A. Composition

1. The National Committees shall create co-operative bodies, under their authority, in the form of Regional Committees.

2. The Regional Committees shall consist of a total of 14 members each, elected by the National Representative from among the delegates nominated by the National Committee.

3. In electing the members of the Regional Committees, the National Committees shall endeavour to include persons competent in the, humanities, the sciences, health, industry, technology, education and the diffusion of ideas, and qualified by their experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Committee. They shall also give regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution.

4. The elected members of the Regional Committees shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be immediately eligible for a second term, but shall not serve consecutively for more than five terms.

5. In the event of the death or resignation of one of its members, a Regional Committee shall appoint, from among the delegates of the GUI Member concerned, a substitute, who shall serve until the next session of the Global Committee which shall elect a new member for the remainder of the term.

B. Functions

1. The Regional Committees, acting under the authority of the National Committees, shall be responsible for the execution of the projects and activities adopted by the Continental Committees and shall prepare the agendas for these programs to be utilised by the Local Community.

2. The Regional Committees shall recommend to the National Committees the admission of new members to GUI.

3. Each Regional Committee shall adopt the GUI "Rules of Procedure" and shall elect its officers from among its members.

4. The Regional Committees shall meet monthly in regular session and may meet in special session if convoked by the Secretary on their own initiative or upon the request of the National Committees.

5. The Chairperson of each Regional Committee shall present to its National Committee, with or without comment, the annual report on the activities of the Regional Committees, which shall have been previously submitted to the Global Committee.

6. The Regional Committees shall make all necessary arrangements to consult with the representatives of local industry and local civil society organisations or qualified persons interested in promoting themselves and their services within the GUI Network.

7. The members of the Regional Committees shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the National Committees under the authority of GUI as a whole and not as representatives of their respective regions.


1. Each Committee will be provided with a Secretariat that shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and such staff as may be required.

2. The Chairperson shall be nominated by each Committee and approved by the Global Committee, under such conditions as the Global Committee permits, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

3. The Chairperson, or a deputy designated by the Chairperson, shall participate in all meetings of the GUI Committees, with the right to vote. They shall formulate proposals for appropriate action by the Global Committee.

4. The Chairperson shall appoint the staff of the Secretariat in accordance with staff regulations adopted by the Global Committee. Subject to the paramount consideration of securing the highest standards of integrity, efficiency and technical competence, appointment of the staff shall be on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

5. The responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and that of the staff shall be exclusively transnational in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any authority external to GUI. They shall refrain from any action, which might prejudice their position as transnational officials. Each Committee Member of GUI undertakes to respect the transnational character of the responsibilities of the Secretariat Chairperson and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.

6. Subject to the approval of the Global Committee, nothing in this Article shall preclude the GUI Committees from entering into special arrangements for common services and staff, and for the interchange of personnel.


1. Each National Committee shall make such arrangements as to suit its particular conditions for the purpose of associating its principal bodies interested in education, health, science, economic,community development, technology transfer and cultural matters with the work of GUI, preferably by the formation of a National Commission.

2. National Commissions or national co-operating bodies, where they exist, shall act in an advisory capacity to their respective delegations to the Global Committee and to their Governments in matters relating to GUI and shall function as agencies of liaison in all matters of interest to it.

3. GUI may, on the request of a Committee Chairperson, delegate, either temporarily or permanently, a member of its Secretariat to serve on the National Commission of that Country, in order to assist in the development of its activities.


Members of the Global Committee shall have no voting rights in any of the other Committees, unless those members have also been elected as members of those Committees. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote, except in cases where a 2/3 majority vote is required by the provisions of this Constitution. A majority of either type shall be a majority of the members present and voting.


A meeting or assembly can hold votes with the participation of a 2/3 majority of committee members, a minimum of 60% of members must be present at the meeting in order for the vote to be passed. If a quorum is not present, another meeting must be announced and convened.


1. Upon the approval of the Global Committee, the Continental, Sub-Continental and National Committees shall set up special and technical committees and such other subordinate bodies as may be necessary for its purposes.

2. The Committee Chairpersons, with the approval of the Global Committee, may receive gifts, bequests, and subventions directly from governments, public and private institutions, associations and private persons, provided they meet with the rules and regulations of the country in question.


The National and Regional Committees shall cause arrangements to be made for public access to meetings, subject to Global Committee regulations.


Each Committee Chairperson shall report periodically to the Global Committee, on its laws, regulations and statistics relating to education, technology transfer, science, health and culture and its institutions.

Each Committee, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, will appoint an independent body to annually audit and evaluate the finances and activities and to submit annual reports and findings, to be published for the transparency and credibility of each Committee for effective annual budget planning.

Reports and resolutions from Committee meetings shall be published on the GUI Website to keep members informed of the latest developments from all committee activities.


1. The annual budget shall be administered by GUI.

2. Sponsorship contributions shall be managed and distributed by the Global Committee, via GUI.

3. The Global Committee shall approve and give final effect to the annual budget and to the apportionment of financial responsibility.

4. Each National Committee will establish a GUI Bank Account for secure control of nationally allocated funds, in compliance with each country's regulations and laws. Signatories to these accounts will be that of the National Representative, the internal GUI Accountant and the internal GUI Treasurer.


To further the mission undertaken by GUI of advancing humanity, private companies and government institutions are invited to participate in the GUI Sponsorship Program.

It will be our priority to endorse and promote the objectives of our Sponsors to developing countries, as competent and efficient specialists, providing their products and services to developing communities.

The principal responsibility of the GUI Sponsor is to provide funding or material resources towards GUI Programs.


1. GUI may co-operate with other specialised inter-governmental organisations and agencies whose interests and activities are related to its purposes. To this end the CEO, acting under the authority of the Global Committee, may establish effective working relationships with such organisations and agencies and establish such joint committees as may be necessary to assure effective co-operation. Any formal arrangements entered into, with such organisations or agencies, shall be subject to the approval of the Global Committee.

2. Whenever the Global Committee of this Organisation and the competent authorities of any other specialised inter-governmental organisation or agency whose purposes and functions lie within the competence of GUI, deem it desirable to effect a transfer of their resources and activities to this Organisation, the CEO, subject to the approval of the Global Committee, may enter into mutually acceptable arrangements in order to accomplish this transfer.

3. GUI may make appropriate arrangements with other inter-governmental organisations or agencies for reciprocal representation at meetings.

4. The GUI Educational, Technological, Scientific and Cultural Commissions may make suitable arrangements for consultation and co-operation with non-governmental transnational organisations concerned with matters within its competence, and may invite them to undertake specific tasks. Such co-operation may also include appropriate participation by representatives of such organisations on advisory committees set up by the Global Committee.


1. Proposals for amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon receiving the approval of the Global Committee by a 2/3 majority vote provided, however, that those amendments which involve fundamental alterations in the aims of GUI or new obligations for the Continental Committee shall require subsequent acceptance on the part of a 2/3 majority vote of the Continental Committees before they come into force. The draft texts of proposed amendments shall be communicated by the Chairperson of each Continental Committee to the CEO of the Global Committee at least 6 months in advance of their consideration by the Global Committee.

2. The Global Committee shall have power to adopt by a 2/3 majority vote, rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions of this Article.


1. Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation of this Constitution shall be referred for determination to the International Court of Justice or to an arbitrary tribunal, as the Global Committee may determine under its "Rules of Procedure".


This Constitution has been brought into force on the 1st day of May, 2006, by the GUI Global Committee.

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